What's the General Public's Role in Staying Safe in Public Places?

Most of us would acknowledge the fact that it's incredibly essential for those who are attempting to accomplish a common goal to support each other and work collectively  - whether that's a creating a project, executing a new plan, or beginning a significant improvement that has far-reaching effects. The same is true when we're discussing community safety. It takes the entire village to engage and have eyes open if we're to be safe from every kind of danger and threat.

This also applies to fire prevention and protection - we all have a part to play. First responders must be equipped and available at a moment's notice; business owners must adhere to FDNY regulations for their properties; homeowners must take needed precautions at their personal property. Even we at QueensFlameproofing must be current on the most recent information and best practices in flameproofing and fire protection. Together, we protect an entire community from fire.  However, there is a critical role that the general public can play. And that's what we're discussing today.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has much to say about fire protection. According to their expertise, ordinary people living their lives in the public can do much as far as fire safety goes. The NFPA suggests several ways that people can help when they are going about their day-to-day business : 

1. Visually scan any building you'll be entering. Take note of the condition. Is it in good shape? Are the entrances and exits sufficient to accommodate the crowds that are typically inside? Are the walkways leading out from the building clear of obstacles that could be a hindrance in the case of an emergency evacuation? Those are critical details to note.

2. Anyone visiting a public building should know their group's emergency plan before entering or attending any kind of event. In the case of a fire or emergency,  does your group know where to meet? Who to call? When a crisis situation strikes, most people are too panicked to think clearly, and it's too late to make a plan. That plan should in place ahead of time so you're not caught off guard.

3. Once you've entered the building, do another visual scan. Be sure to find the emergency and fire exits, in addition to the main entrance that you likely came through. Identify alternate locations of egress, since the main entrance will likely be the place most people will run for. Also make sure nothing is blocking the path to those exits -  things like boxes, furniture or even people in the aisles.

4. Notice anything that might be a potential danger inside. Are there candles? Will pyrotechnics be used for a show? Fireworks? Does the building allow smoking indoors? These all represent potential dangers. You also want to make sure you see automatic fire sprinklers installed as well.

5. Another recommendation that the NFPA gives is to say something to management if you see something that looks unsafe. At the least, he or she should inspect and look into your concern. If you are disregarded, it's wise to leave. And while you may feel like saying something was a waste of time, at least the business owner has the risk in his awareness now and knows that others have identified the deficiencies.

While these tips can't prevent every single tragedy from occurring, the more eyes we have noticing risk factors in public, the greater chance we have of all of us staying safe. 'If you see something, say something' is a practice that can keep communities safe from fire as well as other emergency situations.

At Queens Flameproofing, we're proud to play our part in protecting our city and neighborhoods from fire. Our flameproofing practices are a first-line defense if a fire occurs This greatly lessens the spread and severity of a fire. If you're a business owner and have questions or if you need flameproofing treatments performed at your business, please call us today. We are pleased to help and serve your business: 800-972-5587


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