While there can be a lot of monotony involved in owning a business, one exciting aspect is the opportunity to host a special event. Running a promotional celebration adds excitement and interest, hopefully opening up new doors of revenue. Hosting a special event as a business owner is no small deal, but when done safely and correctly, it pays huge dividends. There are many things that need to be attended to, and one thing on that list is public safety - including fire safety. If you’re running a promotional event, the temporary scenery, decorations, and structures that are used are required to be flameproofed in order to be FDNY compliant. Today we’ll discuss what that does and doesn’t mean.
As those who live and work in New York City, the theater is part of the fiber that makes us who we are. Many business owners in NYC are involved in the theater in some way or another. If that’s you, you know how important safety precautions are in this industry. In America’s past, there have been some significant fires in theaters; fortunately, fire safety has come a long way, and fires are not the norm. This is largely due to effective flameproofing techniques. Today’s post will specifically discuss flameproofing scenery in our NYC theaters.