Insider's Cheat Sheet for Flameproofing

Every industry and trade requires some kind of training. For every occupation and business, there’s a litany of things a person needs to know and have training for in order to be proficient in a line of work. However, when we interact with others from a different field of work, sometimes we may be a little confused when they start talking in ‘work-speak’ - you know, the lingo or jargon that’s the common language in their field but a whole other foreign vocabulary to someone else.

If you need flameproofing work done at your business site, when you do a little research or talk to flameproofing companies, their language might be a little confusing. 

Today we are going to unlock some of that flameproofing ‘work-speak’ and give you a cheat sheet so you know all the important phrases. 

Flameproofing Best Practices: What You Should Be Looking For

Regardless of your work background or the industry that you’re in, whether codified or not, there exists what’s known as ‘best practices.’ These written or unwritten rules are known among experts in the field and passed down to those who work at every level. When it comes to flameproofing, the same thing applies. There are certain ways of performing flameproofing treatments that would fall under ‘best practices.’  While someone outside the field isn’t expected to know what these are, this information can be really helpful when you’re hiring a flameproofing company.

The Affidavit for Inherently Flame Resistant Material: Here's What You Need to Know

Running a business demands your heart and soul. There’s so much that goes into running it, and what needs to be done is an ongoing and growing list. Safety is certainly a priority for businesses, and fire safety is included in that as well. One requirement for business owners is having the business location treated with flameproofing chemicals.  Required items must either be soaked or coated with flame repellents or they must be inherently flame resistant. A business owner must have the proper affidavits on file and stored on site, and today we will discuss the Affidavit for Inherently Flame Resistant Material.

Facts about the Affidavit for Flame Retardant Treatment

Even though so much of our world is digitalized, there’s still a significant amount of paper in circulation, coming and going through our hands daily. Some of it is just junk mail that we throw in the trash, and other papers are important documents, like birth certificates, social security cards, and financial records. If you’re a business owner, you know all about important documents. One important piece of paper that a business owner needs to have in his possession is the Affidavit for Flame Retardant Treatment. Today we’ll discuss all the facts about this vital document.

The C-15 Checklist

If you’re a business owner, you know just how long the list is of things you need to do to be ready to open your business. Fire safety is probably somewhere on your radar. What might not be front and center is flameproofing. Having required items at your business site treated with flame repellents is a NYC requirement in order to be operational. Most new business owners may not have a lot of experience with flameproofing and might be unsure about what's involved and what’s required.  Today we want to provide you with some knowledge that can help make the process easier and ensure the work you have done is performed correctly: the C-15 Checklist.